Address Labels  

Postal Abbreviations


Address Labels > Label Sizes • Address Abbreviations

generic John Doe address label The United States Postal Service suggests using two-letter state postal abbreviations instead of state names when specifying a postal address.  In addition, there are many other address abbreviations that are commonly used when addressing envelopes and packages.  Many of these are listed on this table:
Word Abbreviation
Air Force Base AFB
Apartment Apt
Avenue Ave
Basement Bsmt
Boulevard Blvd
Building Bldg
Bypass Byp
Center Ctr
Circle Cir
Court Ct
Crescent Cres
Crossing Xing
Department Dept
Drive Dr
East E
Expressway Expy
Extension Ext
Floor Fl
Fort Ft
Freeway Fwy
Heights Hts
Highway Hwy
Hospital Hosp
Institute Inst
International Intl
Junction Jct
Lake Lk
Lakes Lks
Lane Ln
Meeting Mtg
Word Abbreviation
Memorial Mem
Mount Mt
Mountain Mtn
National Nat
Naval Air Station NAS
North N
Northeast NE
Northwest NW
Parkway Pky
Place Pl
Point Pt
River Riv
Road Rd
Room Rm
Rural Route RR
Saint St
South S
Southeast SE
Southwest SW
Square Sq
Station Sta
Street St
Suite Ste
Terminal Term
Terrace Ter
Trail Trl
Trailer Trlr
Turnpike Tpk
University Univ
West W
For letters and packages addressed to Canadian destinations, Canada Post specifies the following standard postal abbreviations for Canadian Provinces and Territories:

Province Abbreviation
Alberta AB
British Columbia BC
Manitoba MB
New Brunswick NB
Newfoundland and Labrador NL
Northwest Territories NT
Nova Scotia NS
Nunavut NU
Ontario ON
Prince Edward Island PE
Quebec QC
Saskatchewan SK
Yukon Territory YT

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Address Label Abbreviations - Postal Address Abbreviations

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